Quick Facts
Open Quests

Concerted Efforts

Bring 1 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor, 1 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor, 1 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor and 1 Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General in any Alliance Capital City or Shattrath.
Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor
Arathi Basin Mark of Honor
Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor


We're not fighting isolated battles against the Horde anymore, lad.

Victory in one front means denying the Horde resources they'd use against us in a different battle. By the same token, losing any given battle could give the advantage to our opponent somewhere else around the world.

The Alliance is in need of more combatants with this sort of worldly understanding... truly seasoned veterans! <name>, come back to me after you've served against the Horde at all of our active battlegrounds.


How are yer travels faring laddie?


You're not one to disappoint, <name>! What you've learned goes beyond petty medals and commendations. What you've learned is what can only come with experience and the hardening of one's temper in the field of battle.

You've done well, <class>. You're a true hero of the Alliance!


Upon completion of quests, get:

See also
