Quick Facts
  • Level: 240
  • Buy for: 30 9 97
  • Sells for: 6 1 99
  • Disenchantable (225)

Stick of Dragon Powers [Legendary]

Stick of Dragon Powers [Legendary]
Binds when picked up (3)
1 - 2 Fire DamageSpeed 1.00
(1.5 damage per second)
+5000 Stamina
+5000 Intellect
+5000 Spirit
+5000 Strength
+5000 Agility
Meta Socket
Meta Socket
Meta Socket
Socket Bonus: +200 All Stats
Requires Level 200
Equip: Increases Health by 5000.
Equip: |cffffffffFlames: |cff00ff00Your critical strikes from Fire damage spells cause the target to burn for an additional 40% of your spell's damage over 1 sec.
Chance on hit: Hurls an immense fiery boulder that causes 846 to 1075 Fire damage and an additional 312 Fire damage over 12 sec.
Chance on hit: Hurls a fiery ball that causes 633 to 806 Fire damage and an additional 84 Fire damage over 8 sec.
Chance on hit: Scorch the enemy for 305 to 362 Fire damage.
Equip: Increases your spell damage and healing by 60% of your total Intellect.

See also
